
程島 奈緒プロフィール

程島 奈緒
東海大学 情報通信学部
情報メディア学科/情報通信学科 教授


2024.4 – 現在 東海大学 情報通信学部 情報メディア学科/情報通信学科 教授
2014.4 – 2024.3 東海大学 情報通信学部 情報メディア学科/情報通信学科 准教授
2010.4 – 2014.3 東海大学 情報通信学部 情報メディア学科 専任講師
2008.4 – 2010.3 上智大学 理工学部 情報理工学科 特別研究員
2007.4 – 2008.3 上智大学 理工学部 電気・電子工学科 助教
2005.4 – 2007.3 日本学術振興会 特別研究員(DC2)
2004.8 – 2005.8 Department of Electronics and Telecommunications,Norwegian University of Science and Technology 客員研究員


2007.3 上智大学大学院 理工学研究科 電気・電子工学専攻 博士(工学)
2004.3 上智大学大学院 理工学研究科 電気・電子工学専攻 修士(工学)
2002.3 上智大学 理工学部 電気・電子工学科 学士(工学)


大学院 聴覚情報処理・音響工学特論/音響工学特論(2012年度~)
学部 オペレーティングシステム・同演習/オペレーティングシステム(2010年度~)


日本音響学会 学生・若手フォーラム 幹事(2012~2013年度)
日本音響学会 聴覚研究会 幹事(2013~2015年度)
日本音響学会 編集委員会会誌部会 委員(2013~2018年度)




日本音響学会 第39回粟屋潔学術奨励賞 2016年3月
日本音響学会 第2回学会活動貢献賞 2015年3月
東海大学巽良知研究奨励賞 2012年


研究代表者 令和3-7年度 日本学術振興会 科学研究費補助金(基盤研究B)
平成30-令和2年度 日本学術振興会 科学研究費補助金(基盤研究C)
平成25-27年度 東海大学総合研究機構研究奨励補助計画
平成23年度 小野音響学研究助成基金
平成21~23年度 文部科学省 科学研究費補助金(若手研究B)
  • 三井住友海上福祉財団 研究助成(高齢者福祉分野)
  • 日本学術振興会 国際会議論文発表者助成
  • NEC C&C財団 国際会議論文発表者助成
平成17~18年度 日本学術振興会 特別研究員(DC2)奨励費
平成14年度 NEC C&C財団 国際会議論文発表者助成
研究分担者 平成31年度~令和3年度 日本学術振興会 科学研究費補助金(基盤研究C)(研究代表者:網野加苗)
平成19~22年度 文部科学省 私立大学学術研究高度化推進事業 オープン・リサーチ・センター人間情報科学研究プロジェクト(研究代表者:田中衞)
平成16~19年度 日本学術振興会 科学研究費補助金(基盤研究A)(研究代表者:進藤美津子)


Journal articles

Hodoshima, N. (2021). “Effects of urgent speech and congruent/incongruent text on speech intelligibility for older adults in the presence of noise and reverberation” Speech Communication, 134, 12-19.

Osawa, E., Arai, T., and Hodoshima, N. (2020). “Perception of Japanese length contrasts in reverberation by native and non-native listeners” Acoustical Science and Technology, 41(5), 751-760.

Kambayashi, C., and Hodoshima, N. (2020). “Improving intelligibility of speech spoken under reverberant environment conditions: Effect of reverberation frequency characteristics on speech intelligibility” Acoustical Science and Technology, 41(1), 418-419.

Osawa, E., Arai, T., and Hodoshima, N. (2018). “Perception of Japanese consonant-vowel syllables in reverberation: Comparing non-native listeners with native listeners” Acoustical Science and Technology, 39(6), 369-378.

Arai, T., Osawa, E., Igeta, T., and Hodoshima, N. (2018). “Reverberation degrades native listener’s perception of Japanese mono-syllables and special morae.” Acoustical Science and Technology, 39(3), 252-255.

Arai, T., Hodoshima, N., and Yasu, K. (2010). “Using steady-state suppression to improve speech intelligibility in reverberant environments for elderly listeners.” IEEE Transactions on Audio, Speech, and Language Processing, 18(7), 1775-1780.

Hodoshima, N., Svensson, P., and Arai, T. (2009). “Comparison of consonant identification improvements by steady-state suppression via a loudspeaker system between with and without natural sounds from a talker in reverberation.” Acoustical Science and Technology, 30(1), 59-62.

Kobayashi, K., Yasu, K., Hodoshima, N., Arai, T., and Shindo, M. (2008). “A study of syllable enhancement for elderly listeners by suppressing energy of steady-state portions of vowels.” Journal of Acoustical Society of Japan, 64(5), 278-289. (in Japanese)

Arai, T., Murakami, Y., Hayashi, N., Hodoshima, N., and Kurisu, K. (2007). “Inverse correlation of intelligibility of speech in reverberation with the amount of overlap-masking.” Acoustical Science and Technology, 28(6), 438-441.

Arai, T., Nakata, Y., Hodoshima, N., and Kurisu, K. (2007). “Decreasing speaking-rate with steady-state suppression to improve speech intelligibility in reverberant environments.” Acoustical Science and Technology, 28(4), 282-285.

Hodoshima, N., Miyauchi, Y., Yasu, K., and Arai, T. (2007). “Steady-state suppression for improving syllable identification in reverberant environments: A case study in an elderly person.” Acoustical Science and Technology, 28(1), 53-55.

Hodoshima, N., Arai, T., Kusumoto, A., and Kinoshita, K. (2006). “Improving syllable identification by a preprocessing method reducing overlap-masking in reverberant environments.” Journal of Acoustical Society of America, 119(6), 4055-4064.

Kusumoto, A., Arai, T., Kinoshita, K., Hodoshima, N., and Vaughan, N. (2005). “Modulation enhancement of speech by a pre-processing algorithm for improving intelligibility in reverberant environments.” Speech Communication, 45(2), 101-113.

Hodoshima, N., Goto, T., Ohata, N., Inoue, T., and Arai, T. (2005). “The effect of pre-processing approach for improving speech intelligibility in a hall: Comparison between diotic and binaural listening conditions.” Acoustical Science and Technology, 26(2), 212-214.

Hodoshima, N., Inoue, T., Arai, T., Kusumoto, A., and Kinoshita, K. (2004). “Suppressing steady-state portions of speech for improving intelligibility in various reverberant environments.” Acoustical Science and Technology, 25(1), 58-60.

Arai, T., Kinoshita, K., Hodoshima, N., Kusumoto, A., and Kitamura, T. (2002). “Effects on suppressing steady-state portions of speech on intelligibility in reverberant environments.” Acoustical Science and Technology, 23(4), 229-232.

Conference proceedings

Aburadani, R., Kitahama, K., Yamada, M., and Hodoshima, N. (2024). “Effects of the degree of story congruence between picture books and background sounds in reading to young children on their ability to concentrate: Investigation of evaluation method by eye movements.” Proc. International Workshop on Image Media Quality and its Applications, 92-97.

Hodoshima, N., (2022). “Applying Lombard speech improves speech intelligibility of outdoor public address systems under aircraft noise” Proc. International Congress on Acoustics, ABS-0824.

Hodoshima, N., (2019). “Effects of urgent speech and congruent/incongruent text on speech intelligibility in noise and reverberation” Proc. Interspeech, 3113-3117.

Hodoshima, N., (2019). “Reverberation-induced speech improves intelligibility in reverberation: Effects of taker gender and speaking rate” Proc. International Congress on Acoustics, 6225-6229.

Murata, T. and Hodoshima, N., (2019). “Effects of classical, film and video game music on creativity” Proc. International Congress on Acoustics, 6510-6517.

Kambayashi, C. and Hodoshima, N. (2018). “Improving intelligibility of speech spoken under reverberant environment conditions: Effect of reverberation frequency characteristics on speech intelligibility” Proc. International Symposium on Universal Acoustical Communication 2018 (paper ID: 2785481).

Hodoshima, N. (2016). “Effects of urgent speech and preceding sounds on speech intelligibility in noisy and reverberant environments.” Proc. Interspeech (paper ID: 1618), 4 pages

Hodoshima, N., Arai, T. and Kurisu, K. (2015). “Lombard-like effect against reverberation improves speech intelligibility in reverberation” Proc. Western Pacific Acoustics Conference, 93-97.

Takanashi, K. and Hodoshima, N. (2014). “The effects of the aircraft noise and multiple echoes on speech intelligibility of outdoor public address system” Proc. Internoise, 5 pages (Paper ID: 524).

Hodoshima, N. and Kobayashi, R. (2014). “The effect of storybook reading speaking style on elementary school children’s understanding of the story” Proc. Forum Acusticum, 6 pages (Paper ID: R20E_3).

Hodoshima, N. (2013). “Making spoken announcements intelligible in noisy and reverberant public spaces. -Signal processing and speech production; and visual effect -” Proc. The Sixth International Workshop on Image Media Quality and its Applications, 92-97.

Hodoshima, N., Arai, T. and Kurisu, K. (2012). “Intelligibility of speech spoken in noise/reverberation for older adults in reverberant environments.” Proc. InterSpeech, 4 pages (paper ID: P6a.06).

Hodoshima, N. (2012). “Correlation between a questionnaire about noise-induced hearing loss and SPL of portable music players of high school and university students.” Proc. Internoise, 11 pages (paper ID: 1412).

Hodoshima, N. and Arai, T. (2012). “Making speech announcements intelligible in public spaces from a speech production view.” Proc. Acoustics 2012 (paper ID: 2pAAa2). (invited)

Arai, T. and Hodoshima, N. (2010). “Enhanced speech yielding higher intelligibility for all listeners and environments.” Interspeech, 1620-1623.

Hodoshima, N., Arai, T. and Kurisu, K. (2010). “Intelligibility of speech spoken in noise and reverberation.” Proc. International Congress on Acoustics, 6 pages (paper ID: 663).

Hodoshima, N., Yoshida, W. and Arai, T. (2008). “Improving consonant identification in noise and reverberation by steady-state suppression as a preprocessing approach.” Interspeech, 1793-1796.

Hodoshima, N., Arai, T. and Kurisu, K. (2008). “Effects of training, style, and rate of speaking on speech perception of young people in reverberation.” Acoustics 08, 2393-2397.

Takahashi, K., Yasu, K., Hodoshima, N., Arai, T., and Kurisu, K. (2007). “Enhancing speech in reverberation by steady-state suppression.” International Congress on Acoustics (paper ID: CAS-03-037).

Hodoshima, N., Svensson, P., and Arai, T. (2007). “Preprocessing effects on speech intelligibility in reverberation using mixed natural and electroacoustical sounds.” Japan-China Joint Conference on Acoustics (paper ID: P-2-16).

Hodoshima, N., Behne, D., and Arai, T. (2006). “Steady-state suppression in reverberation: A comparison of native and nonnative speech perception.” International Conference on Spoken Language Processing, 873-876.

Arai, T., and Hodoshima, N. (2006). “Temporally enhanced speech is more intelligible in reverberant environments.” Western Pacific Acoustics Conference (paper ID: 624) (invited).

Hodoshima, N., Behne, D., and Arai, T. (2006). “The effect of the steady-state suppression on consonant identification by native and non-native listeners in reverberant environments.” International Workshop on Frontiers in Speech and Hearing Research, 105(685), 15-20.

Nakata, Y., Murakami, Y., Hodoshima, N., Hayashi, N., Miyauchi, Y., Arai, T., and Kurisu, K. (2006). “The effects of speech-rate slowing with and without the steady-state suppression for improving speech intelligibility in reverberant environments.” International Workshop on Frontiers in Speech and Hearing Research, 105(685), 21-24.

Kobayashi, K., Hatta, Y., Yasu, K., Minamihata, S., Hodoshima, N., Arai, T., and Shindo, M. (2006). “Improving speech intelligibility for elderly listeners by steady-state suppression.” International Workshop on Frontiers in Speech and Hearing Research, 105(685), 31-36.

Hayashi, N., Arai, T., Hodoshima, N., Miyauchi, Y., and Kurisu, K. (2005). “Steady-state pre-processing for improving speech intelligibility in reverberant environments: Evaluation in a hall with an electrical reverberator.” Eurospeech, 1741-1744.

Miyauchi, Y., Hodoshima, N., Yasu, K., Hayashi, N., Arai, T., and Shindo, M. (2005). “A preprocessing technique for improving speech intelligibility in reverberant environments: The effect of steady-state suppression on elderly people.” Eurospeech, 2769-2772.

Arai, T., Yasu, K., and Hodoshima, N. (2004). “Effective speech processing for various impaired listeners.” International Congress on Acoustics, II, 1389-1392. (invited)

Hodoshima, N., Goto, T., Ohata, N., Inoue, T., Arai, T. (2004). “The effect of pre-processing for improving speech intelligibility in the Sophia University lecture hall.” International Congress on Acoustics, III, 2389-2392.

Hodoshima, N., Goto, T., Ohata, N., Inoue, T., Arai, T. (2004). “The effect of pre-processing for improving speech intelligibility in the Sophia University lecture hall.” International Symposium on Room Acoustics: Design and Science (paper ID: 049).

Hodoshima, N., Arai, T., Inoue, T., Kinoshita, K., and Kusumoto, A. (2003). “Improving speech intelligibility by steady-state suppression as pre-processing in small to medium sized halls.” Eurospeech, 1365-1368.

Hodoshima, N., Arai, T., Inoue, T., Kinoshita, K., and Kusumoto, A. (2003). “Improving intelligibility of speech by steady-state suppression as pre-processing in small to medium sized halls.” International Workshop on Speech Dynamics by Ear, Eye, Mouth and Machine, 103(155), 61-66.

Hodoshima, N., Inoue, T., Arai, T., and Kusumoto, A. (2002). “Suppressing steady-state portions of speech for improving intelligibility in various reverberant environments.” China-Japan Joint Conference on Acoustics, 199-202.

Hodoshima, N., Arai, T., and Kusumoto, A. (2002). “Enhancing temporal dynamics of speech to improve intelligibility in reverberant environments.” Forum Acusticum (paper ID: SPA-Gen-003).


Osawa, E., Arai, T., Igeta, T., and Hodoshima, N. (2016). “Non-native speakers perform poorer than native speakers in Japanese speech recognition in reverberation.” Journal of Acoustical Society of America, 140(4), 3333.

Hodoshima, N., Yasu, K., Masuda, H., and Arai, T. (2009). “Development of an online English learning material for ESE.” Proc. International Conference on English Needed by Scientists and Engineers in Today’s Global Society, 33.

Hodoshima, N., Svensson, P., and Arai, T. (2006). “The effect of a preprocessing approach improving speech intelligibility in reverberation considering a public-address system and room acoustics.” Journal of Acoustical Society of America, 120, 3359.

Hayashi, N., Hodoshima, N., Arai, T., and Kurisu, K. (2006). “Influence of Deutlichkeit value and reverberation time on improved speech intelligibility in reverberant environments because of steady-state suppression.” Journal of Acoustical Society of America, 120, 3360.

Nakata, Y., Murakami, Y., Hodoshima, N., and Arai, T. (2006). “Slowed speech spreading into reverberant environments, steady-state suppression improves speech intelligibility.” Journal of Acoustical Society of America, 120, 3360.

Hodoshima, N., and Arai, T. (2005). “Investigating an optimum suppression rate of steady-state portions of speech that improves intelligibility the most as a pre-processing approach in reverberant environments.” Journal of Acoustical Society of America, 118, 1930.


Hodoshima, N. and Arai, T. (2007). “Effect of talker variability on speech perception by elderly people in reverberation” in the Handbook of Auditory signal processing in hearing-impaired listeners. International Symposium on Auditory and Audiological Research, edited by T. Dau, J. M. Buchholz, J. M. Harte and T. U. Christiansen (Centertryk A/S, Holbaek), 383-387.

程島奈緒. (2016). “音声親密度” 音響キーワードブック, 日本音響学会編, コロナ社, 108-109.

Phd thesis

Hodoshima, N., (2007). “Effects of listening environments, listeners and preprocessing parameters on steady-state suppression for improving speech intelligibility in reverberation.” PhD thesis, Sophia University, Japan.