
Our research area includes speech production, speech perception, psychological acoustics, room acoustics and multimodality. Our mission is to provide user-friendly speech technologies and to improve speech communication.

Major research topics

Creating barrier-free emergency
PA announcements
Providing public address (PA) announcements more intelligible during an emergency by approaches based on signal processing and speech production/perception
Prevention of
noise-induced hearing loss among young people
Creating educational content that informs young people about the importance of hearing protection and prevention of noise-induced hearing loss
Crossmodal integration
between hearing and vision
Crossmodal integration between hearing and vision including Virtual Reality, such as prevention of virtual reality sickness with 3D Computer Graphics and audio stimuli
hyperacusis relief software
Studying the types of sounds that people with hyperacusis find difficult to deal with and aim to develop software that relieves hyperacusis
Effect of storybook reading on children
Effect of speaking style of storybook reading and surrounding noises on children's comprehension and contentration